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 #27712  by GSnake
 Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:43 am
Hello guys.

I wrote my driver in C++ but I can't move my templates away from my main project .cpp file. If I put them in a separate file (.h / .cpp) everything blows up. It signals me about syntactic errors which are not "correct" since they compile correctly with the same structure in a user space application.

Any recommendation about this?


Code: Select all
template <bool reversed>
UINT32 Load(UINT32 x);
Code: Select all
template <>
UINT32 Load<true>(UINT32 x) {
	return x;

template <>
UINT32 Load<false>(UINT32 x) {
	return _byteswap_ulong(x);

Thank you very much!
 #27714  by GSnake
 Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:08 pm
Ok, perfect. Thanks for that link, very informative!

The same happens if I put definition + implementation in the same header and I try to use the template in another file by including the aforementioned header...