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Forum for discussion about kernel-mode development.
 #10868  by Kiuhnm
 Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:44 pm
I was reading about IDT hooking (I like to read interesting books from cover to cover) when I came across this snippet of code:
Code: Select all
lea  eax, KiSystemServiceHook
mov  ebx, int2eDescriptor

mov  [ebx], ax
shr  eax, 16
mov  [ebx+6], ax

lidt idtr
It basically patches an IDT descriptor and then reloads IDTR with the *same* value (previously read with SIDT). I'm not sure that "LIDT IDTR" is needed. There is no TLBS-like structure for IDT tables, AFAIK. I wasn't able to find anything on the Intel manuals.
 #10879  by xdeadcode
 Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:51 pm
Hi Kiuhnm,

Depends on what you want to hook.
If you want to hook entire IDT table, then you need lidt, if you're hooking single service, then using vs intrinsic or asm with sidt instruction should be enough.