Disassembler written in Delphi for x86 platform written by Rllibby who frequents the experts exchange website. It's a port from the libdisasm project.
http://www.programmersheaven.com/downlo ... pView.aspx
// Unit : DISASM32.PAS (requires DISASM32.RES}
// Date : 02.29.2004
// Conversion : Russell Libby
// Description : This is a Delphi conversion of the libdisasm project, which
// is a sub portion of the "bastard" project:
// http://bastard.sourceforge.net/libdisasm.html
// The libdisasm project is distributed under an "Artistic
// License", and I give full credit to the original authors.
// Special thanks also goes out to "mammon_"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
http://www.programmersheaven.com/downlo ... pView.aspx
// Unit : DISASM32.PAS (requires DISASM32.RES}
// Date : 02.29.2004
// Conversion : Russell Libby
// Description : This is a Delphi conversion of the libdisasm project, which
// is a sub portion of the "bastard" project:
// http://bastard.sourceforge.net/libdisasm.html
// The libdisasm project is distributed under an "Artistic
// License", and I give full credit to the original authors.
// Special thanks also goes out to "mammon_"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accept nothing less than STATUS_SUCCESS