A forum for reverse engineering, OS internals and malware analysis 

Forum for discussion about kernel-mode development.
 #7947  by 0xC0000022L
 Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:22 pm
Tigzy wrote:Yep, I use IRPs, that's a good stuff for communication where all comes from userland.
In my case, the problem is all comes from a hook proxy function. So there's no Irps...

BTW, is anybody got an idea about how to put my proxy function in a wait state, the time my UL process checks whether it should return SUCCESS or not?
And how resume it from UL? (with IRPs I guess) . that's for CreateSection hook
Sorry, not watching the forum at the moment. So you have installed the hook using the OS facilities (i.e. it's a notification) or you hooked the SSDT?
 #8069  by Tigzy
 Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:47 am
Sorry, in the meantime I found a solution with both LPC and Mutex waits
Yes, I hooked the SSDT

Proxy func:
Code: Select all
    //Message sending to UL app (via LPC)

    //Waiting for response
    x.QuadPart = RELATIVE(SECONDS(2));
    Status = KeWaitForSingleObject(&CreationQueue.semQueue,Executive,KernelMode,FALSE,&x);      
    if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS)
            pListEntry = ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList(&CreationQueue.QueueListHead, &CreationQueue.lockQueue);
       //**** Get data back ****
       perm = CONTAINING_RECORD(pListEntry,PERMISSION,ListEntry);   
       if (!perm->isAllowed)
          return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;

    return real API

Dispatch func:
Code: Select all
       DbgPrint("Process creation allowed\n");
       //****** release sem ******
       perm = (PERMISSION*)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool,sizeof(PERMISSION), '1gaT');   
       perm->isAllowed = TRUE;

       ExInterlockedInsertTailList(&CreationQueue.QueueListHead, &perm->ListEntry, &CreationQueue.lockQueue);
       retVal = STATUS_SUCCESS;