I have a terrible headache with the trojan payload provided by exploit kit,
the infected download url is here:

(↑just checked, still up..may God curse the lazy tax money eater involved to a frog for not shut this ASAP..)
Just in case overall sample is
here with all exploit data.
And the binary is attached in this message.
Virus Total report is
I saw this sample from 0 detection ratio until now becoming 15 or more.
Most of the infection work I figured it well, like I wrote
But there's no networking happens.. yet I have a strong hunch this is a PWS for sure,
Honestly, I am not so sure to state this as Cridex since none of the Cridex I know work like this, but, since I can't find other threat for PWS kindly forgive me to post this case here for a start.
After restarting the explorer the binary itself always quit and never came to be resident in memory in my test case, PS: the log of the file process & registry process is
I mean what's the real purpose of this infection?
Any help to solve this mistery will be highly appreciated, and thank you in advance.